The Photographic Society of Vineland,
founded in 1968,
is incorporated as a Nonprofit Organization
under the laws of the State of New Jersey.
OBJECTIVE: The objective of the Society shall be the encouragement, mastery and the promotion of photography through cooperation and camaraderie of it’s members.
We needed a place to compare notes, share experiences, learn what the latest trends and techniques are, what is new and what is coming into the fast breaking camera world. A place to pick each other’s brains and generally improve our skills…and there is nothing like a good old-fashioned “bull session” to stimulate and get the brain waves moving again!
So with this idea in mind, Paul Heritage brought together several other photo enthusiasts and conducted the first meeting of the Photographic Society of Vineland on February 23,1968. The meeting was held in the Navy Club building on Mt. Vernon Street (Vineland, NJ). As the club grew in membership, meeting places changed. The White Sparrow Restaurant and Rubinoffs Feed Co. were among the meeting places for the club..
There were field trips every week. Every Friday night, several of the members would gather around the old pot bellied stove at T&F Camera Shop and discuss photography and then decide where to go on Saturday to take pictures. The group was into “calhouning” and a lot of time was spent photographing wild flowers in various parts of South Jersey, such as Batsto, Parvins Park, Quinton and Atsion.
In the early 70’s membership had grown so much that a bigger place was need to support the club. The Vineland YMCA met the need. And here it stayed until around 1990 and then located at the Christ Community Church in Newfield, NJ. The year 2008 PSV also celebrated its 40th year and also a new meeting place; the Newfield Senior Center on Catawaba & Church.
The structure of the club remains much like it was in the beginning. There are contests, field trips, workshops and Awards Banquets. In earlier years, contests included “8mm movies” .The rule was they could not be longer then 20 minutes. Judging the contests was by secret ballot and each member, scored from 0-9. Today, scoring machines are used.
The “Merit Awards System” was incorporated into the club in 1972. This System awards points to members for things such as attending a meeting, chairing a committee, becoming a club officer or trustee, entering competitions, winning outside awards, one man shows, and many other means of accumulating points. Goals of 75 to 2500 points, and accomplished by members, are rewarded with medals. Twenty seven years later, this Merit Awards System is still a unique part of PSV.
In 1973, the “Tri Club” competition was initiated. Atlantic City, Ocean City and Vineland Camera Clubs joined in a “friendly rival” competition. Unfortunately, this practice has been discontinued.
The Photographic Society of Vineland began with an idea and a handful of enthusiastic photographers. Meeting places changed and membership grew and declined and grew again. Today, PSV remains the high standard Camera Club that was initiated in 1968 by Paul Heritage.